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-   -   Stolen Spectre 30 (

Scott B 01-02-2006 07:55 PM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30
LEO's attitude in general here has been "It's a property theft, call your insurance co"... There is a small task force at work, but they get slammed with other work also....

Mike 35 Fountain 01-02-2006 08:17 PM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30
Rollwithit ...hit the nail on the head. Everyone assumes it's the owner.

I own heavy equipment and in all the years I've moved it or had it
moved I have never been asked if it was mine. Even been stopped by
police for roadside checks and they never once asked who owned it.
We have moved things at all times of the day and night, including
5 am.........still no questions.

I think same holds true for just assume the guy taking it
owns it. .....I do think its odd that if someone was stealing something
why would you do it on the single night of the year when the most
cops are on duty??

I also was wondering about that Cigarette.

Hope this boat turns up............keep us posted.

Pro1 01-02-2006 08:49 PM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30
Hi Francine.

Happy New Year to you and Rolph.

Hope you and Rolph find the boat.


Craney 01-02-2006 09:45 PM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30
Its a little strange to be towing a boat on New Years Eve late at night in NJ.I hope they catch the bastards and hangem by there nuts. :mad: :mad: :mad:

satisfactionII 01-02-2006 10:05 PM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30
I despise the scum that do these things. I hope you get your boat back.

at100plus 01-02-2006 10:49 PM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30
In a high crime, densly populated state like NJ, once that boat leaves a shore town like Brick undetected, it will often go unnoticed by Police. A police officer cannot stop a vehicle for no reason, since the owner probably didn't discover the boat stolen until the next day, even the suspicious officer who runs the plate, will have little indication and no probable cause to stop the boat while it's being hauled off unless some other offense is committed in his presence.

Marine Theft is HIGH PROFIT. An outboard motor will sell for more in Central and South America than it sells for new here in the states.

A $20,000 outboard can be sold with no title or any documentation whatsoever even in the states.

Only a little over 30 states title boats, and many that do title boats do not have computerized ownership records or do not retain the information for more than a year. Only a few states can access boat registration or title files through NLETS (National Law Enforcement Telecommunication System. The inability for an investigator to obtain ownership information in a timely manner makes boat theft investigation very difficult for law enforcement.

I'll keep my eyes open and print the pictures and pass them on to my colleagues here in northern NJ. I certainly hope you had theft insurance.

Another thing I'll check into tomorrow is the ports. I'll see if I can get my friend who is a Waterfront Commission Detective in Newark to circulate the photos via email, it's probably too late but worth a shot.

MnFastBoat 01-03-2006 08:28 AM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30
This totally bites

I would like to add this,
Many years ago when I first bought my boat i had dealer plates on teh boat. NO plates on the trailer for over 3 years.
One time i was hauling the boat from MN back to Havasu for some additional add-ons. This was early april. i ran out of gas in the truck at 2 am on I-35 coming into KC. I called the highway patrol asking for assistance. I wanted a gallon on gas to make it the other 5 miles to get the boat off the highway.
2 am, I am from MN, the truck is NOT mine but borrowed, no tags on the boat or trailer, bacically heading south, late night, and NO not one single question as to who what or why? Not even asking for my drivers license.

This is how caring some are.
Maybe it was the hometown MO niceness he felt good helping me out kind of deal. He awed and asked about the boat, wondering the speed cost and such. But never one ounce of thought to ask if it was mine

So yes, I can see how easy it is for people to hook up and go.
I have hauled many many boats across the states, and never been stopped or questioned.

Lexluther 01-03-2006 09:15 AM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30
Well, it sure seems dismal at this point.
You guys are all real right about no one really having a reason to stop someone hauling a boat unless they are doing something really stupid. I doubt that these guys were stupid.

Even with the standard basic precautions, chains, lights, video, and locks, it still managed to get jacked.

There really has been an ovewhelming amount of support from the GSP and the locals are looking everywhere. If it went though any tolls there may be some luck in its tracks.

I hope that we can all put our heads together and get a lead on these criminals and put an end to this misery.

lightspeed 01-03-2006 09:30 AM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30
That really Sucks Rolf I Will Keep A Lookout On Long Island. Just Heard A Guy In Seaford With A 30 Spectre Had His Lower units Props And Stereo Stolen Right Out Of His Garage Last week. These Guys Are Scum

at100plus 01-03-2006 10:18 AM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30

Originally Posted by MnFastBoat
This totally bites

I wanted a gallon on gas to make it the other 5 miles to get the boat off the highway.
2 am, I am from MN, the truck is NOT mine but borrowed, no tags on the boat or trailer, bacically heading south, late night, and NO not one single question as to who what or why? Not even asking for my drivers license..

Again, police can't ask for a license or anything if there is no reasonable suspicion. Asking for a license is considered a detention and police can't detain someone who has done nothing wrong. Although marine theft is a big problem on a national level, it is not concentrated to one area, therefore, the majority of cops are not suspicious of the occasional boat that passes through their jurisdiction.

I emailed a BOLO with the pics to the members of my department. We are near Newark, so if by some chance it goes through on the way to Port Newark, it could be spotted...

I'll give my Waterfront Commission guy a shout now see what he thinks.

Anarchy Powerboats 01-03-2006 10:35 AM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30

Originally Posted by JCPERF
What happened to the Cigarette that was spotted out west that was stolen from Jersey?

I think it was determined to be legit last I heard.

Lexluther 01-03-2006 11:04 AM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30
I have a red corvette, and I get pulled over all the time for nothing. They seem to need no reason to do that but do. I have never gotten a ticket for anything.
Shame is the wasted time could very well be spent on other things like boat theft.
I have been pulled over in the last few months by both brick and mantoloking police. In either case the boat that was stolen traveled in one of those two directions to get off mantoloking.
Got to wonder about that....

at100plus 01-03-2006 07:33 PM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30
You have a red Corvette and a 30 Spectre, both are machines designed to be driven really fast, but you were pulled over for nothing???? Maybe the cop was nice enough not to give you a ticket for whatever his intial reason for stopping you was; or maybe he was using that initial reason to see if there was something further to investigate (isn't that what you want cops to do right now?) Whichever it was you CANNOT be stopped for nothing, and I'm sure the officer gave you a reason for the stop. If you were in fact stopped for no reason then your rights were violated under the 4th amendment of the constitution and you should have brought a civil suit.

I'm only trying to explain the law. Everyone thinks they were stopped for no reason but then complain when they are a victim of a crime and the cops "did nothing".... Get my drift. There are people fighting on each side of the fence both for and against the tools of proactive police work. Good guys and bad guys if you will. Most people only know what they see on the news and the movies about police work and many law abiding citizens only interact with police when stopped for minor driving infractions. It's those minor driving infractions that are the first step in the investigation and subsequent arrest of a huge percentage of criminals.

Lexluther don't take it the wrong way, I'm not trying to bust your chops while you are down, I just want you to understand it the way it is and not project the blame on the police. The only one to blame is the thief.

There's hardly a cop in this world that would not love to catch those rat bastards that stole your boat, but it's those who hate the cops unless they need them that make it more difficult.

Mike 35 Fountain 01-03-2006 07:50 PM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30
What I meant in my last post was not that it was unusual to be
towing a boat ..........but pulling it out of someones place of business
at midnight might arouse some suspicion. Again lots of police activity
on new years eve.

My son-in-law who is a state trooper and lives with us also said the
same as might seem suspicious and they would probably
run a plate...but without any probable cause .......nothing much else
to do.

Again I hope someone is caught..........although I've never had boat
related theft............I have had theft and damage on heavy equipment
numerous times.

at100plus 01-03-2006 07:58 PM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30
That's true at midnight it probaby would be suspicious, but Lex said it was between 5 PM on the 31st and 12 PM on the 1st, so it could have been 10 in the morning. Holiday weekend, everyone knows no one will be a Pro Roc. There are alot of cops but they are focosed on other problems. Boat theft is not the first thing on their mind. Statistics show most stolen boat are under 18' unless near a drug trafficing city like Miami for example. Most likely this was the work of a professional ring that operates in various jurisdictions to avoid being placed in a local profile (based on method of operation) by local investigators. Marine theft is high profit nationwide but not common most individual cities.

at100plus 01-03-2006 08:04 PM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30

Originally Posted by Lexluther
Even with the standard basic precautions, chains, lights, video, and locks, it still managed to get jacked.

What did the video reveal? Any other evidence at the scene? Was it a customer boat or your personal boat?

at100plus 01-03-2006 08:08 PM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30
I posted this on another boat board for you in case it goes west, this board is the Ohio crowd.

Sharkeymarine put it on Scream and Fly too.

If it's in this country in plain view, someone ought to spot it with all this advertising.

CMC 01-03-2006 08:08 PM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30
Hey Mike, it sounds as if you have been studying for the Lieut. Exam !!!!!!!!

CMC 01-03-2006 08:10 PM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30
I thought Pro Roc always had a locked chain across the driveway when they are closed.

berns29scarab 01-03-2006 09:00 PM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30
She doesnt get stopped for nothing...the cops wanna check out her bird...he he he. Inside joke. NO PUN INTENDED

Gizmo 01-03-2006 09:52 PM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30
I would think that if the police have a report of a stolen vehicle, boat or otherwise, and saw one fitting the general description, that would be considered probable cause. At least to stop and question ownership.
Hope all turns out well.

at100plus 01-03-2006 10:02 PM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30

Originally Posted by Gizmo
I would think that if the police have a report of a stolen vehicle, boat or otherwise, and saw one fitting the general description, that would be considered probable cause. At least to stop and question ownership.
Hope all turns out well.

That is probable cause if the officer knows about it.

BK 01-04-2006 10:36 AM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30
Here's a couple of theft stories - same boat company for both...

About 15 years ago in a tiny, remote town in Texas, the city water dept was working on sewer drains out behind our boat shop. The field behind our shop was muddy and remote - no cars could get back there. The rear gate hadn't been opened in over 10 years.

We had a crashed race boat with a 2.4 liter Mercury sitting on a trailer against that same back fence where the city crew had been working. Within a couple of days, someone had come through that back fence, used bolt cutters to get through the lock, and cut the motor off the boat - just like the pics in Scott B's post.

We are certain that one of those city workers spotted that motor while doing work back there, and returned late that night to get it. We told all of this to the police, but never saw that motor again.

A couple of years later, one of our AZ customers asked if he could pick up his new boat on an early morning weekend - around 2am - so that he could turn around and head home ASAP.

We weren't going to be in town that weekend, so we told him we'd leave his boat (w/no motor) outside, and then told him how to unbolt the main locked gate so that he could get in. He promised to bolt it back up when he left. The squad cars in our town numbered "two", so we knew he'd have no problem......


Sure enough, we get a phone call at our hotel at 2:AM.

The police caught him unbolting our fence gate. One of the two squad cars happened to pass at that same moment. LOL :eek: This guy was headed for jail unless someone could vouch for him. So he called us - but we were in Georgia!

My husband then called his father who lived 40 minutes away from the shop, and was able to convince the police that this guy was only picking up his boat..... :D

We still are good friends with the "would-be" thief, and laugh about this little incident often....LOL :evilb:

His return trip home was a bit delayed...LOL

And it did make us feel a better about the police in our little town. They did good. :p

Panther 01-04-2006 12:44 PM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30
Unfortunately, most of the stolen boats in this area wind up stripped up in Newark or Torched. :mad:

Lots of stolen boats around here lately.... a few years ago there was a 33 Sutphen, then a 36 Baja Outlaw (That was recovered, but stripped), an Aluminum Trailer for a 45 Sonic, then the Top Gun and now the Spectre.

There was also a theft ring roaming around that was stealing outdrives from the local marinas about 6 yrs. ago but I think they were busted!

Sorry for the loss. :(

GRH 01-04-2006 03:56 PM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30

Originally Posted by at100plus
If you were in fact stopped for no reason then your rights were violated under the 4th amendment of the constitution and you should have brought a civil suit.

Thats not realistic and you surely know it... how do you prove you were stopped for no reason? Cops can offer a variety of excuses for pulling a single passenger vehicle over & they will recieve the benefit of doubt from any Judge.... Cops are also "supposedly" trained to "identify" excessive speed... and receive that benefit of doubt as there is the likely excuse... or perhaps.... crossed the double yellow line.... 4th amendement.... doesn't exist in this country any longer.... not when you're dealing with Cops....

RollWithIt 01-04-2006 04:37 PM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30
Gort. I have to dissagree with you on your last point. The 4th amendment is in fact alive and well in this country. Even when dealing with Cops as you put it. While I will admit that there are some cops who might sidestep the rules of criminal procedure to try and make a case, the majority do not. Yes. Cops are expected to get the benefit of doubt. But this is not always true. There is alot of media hype and sensationalism that has severly restricted how police do their jobs. As at100plus has stated, there are times that you can and can not run plates or driver's licenses of people. Even if you want to. You need some sort of cause. Usually, people will give you just cause. If I follow most motorists I will have PC to run their plates and stop them within 5 minutes. Doesnt mean that I am going to cite them. Could be to simply investigate a hunch further.

As for pulling a boat out of a business at Midnight on New Years Eve. Yes, that is very suspicious and would be investigated. If there happens to be a cop driving by as it occurs. Here you are talking about luck of the draw. But I can guarantee you this, on New Years, most cops are out looking for DUI's and dealing with Domestics, fights or Motor Vehicle Accidents. I've worked plenty of New Years and would never have thought to run the plate on a boat being towed through my jurisdiction. I would have been too busy with everything else. Also, even if this boat registration would have been run that night, until its reported stolen and entered into the system, it would come back as a clean registration.

Maybe you've had some bad dealings with the cops where you feel that you were slighted or had your rights violated. If thats true. I am sorry and you should have taken the proper steps to correct the problem. But dont generalize and scrutinize all the hard working Police Officers in this nation because of a few examples. I do hope that they find the POS Thiefs that took this boat. Too bad their rights cant get violated.

Ron P 01-04-2006 06:27 PM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30
Guys, there's a good reason that LexLuther gets pulled over all the time for no reason.

She's a hot blonde and the Police all want to say hello!

I'd post a photo, but that would distract you from finding the boat.

at100plus 01-04-2006 08:33 PM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30

Originally Posted by GORT
Thats not realistic and you surely know it... how do you prove you were stopped for no reason? Cops can offer a variety of excuses for pulling a single passenger vehicle over & they will recieve the benefit of doubt from any Judge.... Cops are also "supposedly" trained to "identify" excessive speed... and receive that benefit of doubt as there is the likely excuse... or perhaps.... crossed the double yellow line.... 4th amendement.... doesn't exist in this country any longer.... not when you're dealing with Cops....

What you call an EXCUSE = REASONABLE SUSPICION for a lawful stop. Why would you complain if you don't get the summons? If you get a summons solely for briefely crossing a double yellow line (for example), and you weren't driving half into oncoming traffic causing cars to veer out of the way, then either you wrote the summons with your mouth (attitude) or yes the cop was a J.O. (I'm not saying that's not possible) but I am telling you there are plenty of other violators out there and that, no cop needs to frame you unlawfully and put their job on the line for a mere ticket. Tickets mean nothing to a cop, we have 25 years to write them. Aholes who really deserve tickets or jail for that matter, are not hard to come by in that time. Believe it or not they tend to come to us.

If someone really had a case, they wouldn't have to prove they were stopped for no reason, the burden of proof is on the state as to the reasonable suspicion for the stop. Rollwithit is absolutely correct, in that almost everyone commits some traffic infraction within 5 minutes of driving. Throw a cigarrette out the window, that's a violation of Title 39, touch the double yellow or swerve back and fourth. A license plate frame that covers the Garden State portion of your plate...and yes, these minor infractions may very well be used as a reason for investigating 'hunch' further, when other articulable facts provoke an officer's suspicion but officers have the discretion on whether or not to issue the summons. Unfortunately whomever drove away with Lexluther's boat was 1) not seen by patrols and/or 2) if seen didn't provoke any suspicion.

There is no presumption that the police officer is a better witness. Perhaps more credible depending on the testimony. If you were wronged in municipal court you can appeal to a different venue where there is absolutely no relationship between the officer or agency and the judge. There is a system of checks and balances and believe it or not, the laws are designed specifically to protect citizens from government intrusion.

New Jersey is one of the most restrictive states in the nation with regard civil rights.

Mistakes are possible given the complexities of the laws, but purposely stopping a vehicle for absolutely no reason opens a police officer up for huge civil liability that can cost him his job, pension and monitary hardships. It would be ludicrous for any sane police officer to stop a blonde in a Corvette just because she's a pretty blonde or just because it's a Corvette.

Lastly, the doors and the welcoming committee are ready and waiting for you in internal affairs if you have a legitimate complaint.

I don't know what makes people think tickets are so important to cops. Quota laws by the way are also ILLEGAL in NJ.

Here is the legislation:

GRH 01-05-2006 07:58 AM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30

Originally Posted by at100plus
What you call an EXCUSE = REASONABLE SUSPICION for a lawful stop. Why would you complain if you don't get the summons? If you get a summons solely for briefely crossing a double yellow line (for example), and you weren't driving half into oncoming traffic causing cars to veer out of the way, then either you wrote the summons with your mouth (attitude) or yes the cop was a J.O. (I'm not saying that's not possible) but I am telling you there are plenty of other violators out there and that, no cop needs to frame you unlawfully and put their job on the line for a mere ticket. Tickets mean nothing to a cop, we have 25 years to write them. Aholes who really deserve tickets or jail for that matter, are not hard to come by in that time. Believe it or not they tend to come to us.

If someone really had a case, they wouldn't have to prove they were stopped for no reason, the burden of proof is on the state as to the reasonable suspicion for the stop. Rollwithit is absolutely correct, in that almost everyone commits some traffic infraction within 5 minutes of driving. Throw a cigarrette out the window, that's a violation of Title 39, touch the double yellow or swerve back and fourth. A license plate frame that covers the Garden State portion of your plate...and yes, these minor infractions may very well be used as a reason for investigating 'hunch' further, when other articulable facts provoke an officer's suspicion but officers have the discretion on whether or not to issue the summons. Unfortunately whomever drove away with Lexluther's boat was 1) not seen by patrols and/or 2) if seen didn't provoke any suspicion.

There is no presumption that the police officer is a better witness. Perhaps more credible depending on the testimony. If you were wronged in municipal court you can appeal to a different venue where there is absolutely no relationship between the officer or agency and the judge. There is a system of checks and balances and believe it or not, the laws are designed specifically to protect citizens from government intrusion.

New Jersey is one of the most restrictive states in the nation with regard civil rights.

Mistakes are possible given the complexities of the laws, but purposely stopping a vehicle for absolutely no reason opens a police officer up for huge civil liability that can cost him his job, pension and monitary hardships. It would be ludicrous for any sane police officer to stop a blonde in a Corvette just because she's a pretty blonde or just because it's a Corvette.

Lastly, the doors and the welcoming committee are ready and waiting for you in internal affairs if you have a legitimate complaint.

I don't know what makes people think tickets are so important to cops. Quota laws by the way are also ILLEGAL in NJ.

Here is the legislation:

If I get stopped for "Briefly crossing a double yellow" fine... my point was its my word against the cops whether I really did cross the line... and please... don't tell me SOME cops don't "Embellish"(lie) about thier reason for pulling over what they "think" looks like a suspicious vehicle.... I have been driving 35 yrs & have NEVER received a moving violation(knock on wood)... that doesn't mean I haven't comitted any.... I've been lucky many times... but also responsible almost always.... I have no hidden agenda against cops in general.... I agree with you that your a "target" for many abuses... I have been stopped several time comming home from the lake with my wife & 2 kids at DWI checkpoints... my son (14) last year commented "Are they here again" same place every sunday night.... I replied "JP thier doing thier job & trying to protect us from drunk drivers... its a small inconvenience" The cops are usually the same each week & recognize us.... we are polite & respectful as are they... they speak to each of my kids every week.... but I don't really like the fact that they have the right to stop me when I've done nothing wrong.... wheres the "REASONABLE SUSPICION" in a DWI checkpoint? I'm not looking for a constitutional arguement here... my point was the reality of it is cops can come up with a "REASONABLE SUSPICION" to pull you over anytime they want.... I have several Law enforement clients.... I respect and admire what they do.... but even they will tell you that not all cops do it the right way.... your profession is no different then anyone elses.... one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch.... appearance wise.... so if I was too general... I apologize.... We're better off with you guys then without you.... no question

Lexluther 01-05-2006 09:44 AM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30
I think that a few things need to be addressed since I have been reading the tangent that these posts have been going off on...
First on the list.. I just off the phone with the FBI and it seems that they may have some interest in the case provided that Brick and Miami work together. That will certainly be a big step for all of us...If you have any info to present to the Brick police please call Det. Bevacqua 732.262.1150 And again thank you for the posts letting me know that this has been a situation in Miami..

2nd- When I said that I get pulled over for nothing, let me go into further detail....I HAVE NOT been pulled over for speeding or any of the standard reasons.. I am 5'3" blonde driving a red corvette in the same two towns that I have circled in for 11 years driving the same red corvette for (7)years, pulled over by the same few police officers.. I guess I must look suspicious.. And you are right about my 4th amendment being violated, but unfortunatley I have much more pressing issues than to spend MY money in a justice system that would what.. Pay me back for the violation. Let us be real. That would be a futile attempt to waste more of my time... If this scenario or my 4th amendment violation were to be of greater magnitude maybe I would pursue it.

Just remember one thing when it comes to suspicion or pursuit....If the efforts of any authority such as police, airport security and such are wasted on non-sense, well it is safe to say that the bad guy has that much more time to get away..

It does appear that the forced entry took place late in the evening, so one would think that it would be much more suspicious at that time..But again those same police officers who have been puling me over......Well ....need I say more.

***Bernie this is just for you, there are 2 birds now.And they love the car.. HAHAHA

Lexluther 01-05-2006 11:01 AM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30
Seems that 30 footter's were pretty popular on New Years. There is another posting here on OSO on a Superboat in Long Island taken with a stolen also had outboards

berns29scarab 01-05-2006 12:14 PM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30
guess i'd better double up on the kryptonite locks n cables huh...i dont need any insurance issues.

****Sunshine 2 birds ? Now that will definately get ya pulled over. As if 1 wasnt enuff.

Lexluther 01-05-2006 12:56 PM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30
I am currently working with the FBI and have spoken with the police in Auto Marine Theft Services in Suffolk. They do not have a record for the vessel yet stolen there yet... If anyone knows what district the Superboat vessel has been stolen in and/or the complaint number pass that on to someone.

I am trying to force the local districts (where the thefts occurred) to gather information and do the legwork needed to compile the necessary investigation tools for the FBI.
They are willing to help but only if the local police departments will supply the info and cooperate with them.

I spoke to Det. Gonzalez today in Miami, real nice guy, but WOW he deals with some theft.... He is working with another guy Christian Winch.
Brick Township Police are not real happy about the FBI, but I guess they figure that we don't think that they are doing the job.
FBI agents name Gary Beneducci in the Newark, NJ office # 973.792.7362.
Keep me posted on your thoughts.

jayboat 01-05-2006 03:54 PM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30
There were a couple of huge thefts here in ft myers last year- breakins at dealers where security systems were bypassed, etc and dozens of eggbeaters in crates plus other motors and parts were loaded into something larger than a pickup... unbelievable stuff.

newspaper reported these gangs work outta miami, and as was posted, most of the stuff winds up south of here.

I'm not an outboard guy, but those things look heavy. Even at catburglar speed, how long does it take to unhook one of those things and get it into a truck?

Comanche3Six 01-05-2006 05:04 PM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30
Maybe a system like this is the ticket?

Catagory5 01-05-2006 07:14 PM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30
I'm not an outboard guy, but those things look heavy. Even at catburglar speed, how long does it take to unhook one of those things and get it into a truck?[/QUOTE]

Typical 250- 300hp outboard is between 400-500lbs. Cutting the cables and harnesses a few guys could have 2 gone in 10 minutes.

About 8 years ago the company I was working for had a 36 foot triple with a 10 foot beam and HUGE murals painted on the sides stolen out of Hollover marina in Miami on it's trailer while gate attendents were on duty and no one saw a thing. It was found on the side of the road in the warehouse district smacked up and stripped a few days later.

at100plus 01-05-2006 09:43 PM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30

Originally Posted by GORT
If I get stopped for "Briefly crossing a double yellow" fine... my point was its my word against the cops whether I really did cross the line......

My point was, you probably won't get a summons if that brief crossing is the only thing wrong. And as you indicated, you haven't gotten any tickets right?

Originally Posted by GORT
and please... don't tell me SOME cops don't "Embellish"(lie) about thier reason for pulling over what they "think" looks like a suspicious vehicle.......

I don't think that is what I was saying, moreso what I was trying to get across is that the majority don't and if they are dumb enough to do so, they are substantially risking their careers, pensions and economic worth if they negligently and regularly engage in that type of activity. Which is just plain stupid. There will always be some stupid members of every profession, no doubt about that, but it is blatently against the law to stop for no reason and it's not all that uncommon for reason to present itself. So in essence, what I'm saying is, the majority don't purposely take those kind of risks and the few who do will ultimately pay the price one way or another.

Lexluther, I don't know if I can understand why any police officer (or more than one for that matter) with a pulse would regularly stop a woman in a Corvette for that reason alone. There are pretty women all over the place (and probably some that an officer fixated on that behavior could legitimately and lawfully stop for violations), so why would they stop you for no reason? It's not really worth the risk to blatently violate your civil rights just to get a closer look. Sounds to me like you are giving yourself a little too much credit. But hey, if in fact there are several officers in your town willing to take that risk then my suggestion to you is to spend a few minutes speaking with the Internal Affairs unit. If your alligations have any merit whatsoever at the very least they will know that these illegal stops are not welcome by you, and the problem will cease.

Originally Posted by GORT
I have been driving 35 yrs & have NEVER received a moving violation(knock on wood)... that doesn't mean I haven't comitted any.... I've been lucky many times... but also responsible almost always.... I have no hidden agenda against cops in general.... I agree with you that your a "target" for many abuses... I have been stopped several time comming home from the lake with my wife & 2 kids at DWI checkpoints... my son (14) last year commented "Are they here again" same place every sunday night.... I replied "JP thier doing thier job & trying to protect us from drunk drivers... its a small inconvenience" The cops are usually the same each week & recognize us.... we are polite & respectful as are they... they speak to each of my kids every week.... but I don't really like the fact that they have the right to stop me when I've done nothing wrong.... wheres the "REASONABLE SUSPICION" in a DWI checkpoint? I'm not looking for a constitutional arguement here... my point was the reality of it is cops can come up with a "REASONABLE SUSPICION" to pull you over anytime they want.... I have several Law enforement clients.... I respect and admire what they do.... but even they will tell you that not all cops do it the right way.... your profession is no different then anyone elses.... one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch.... appearance wise.... so if I was too general... I apologize.... We're better off with you guys then without you.... no question

DWI Checkpoints are different. The Supreme Court of the US has approved the following types of checkpoints:

1. Sobriety
2. Inspection of operating permits and vehicle registrations
3. For the purpose of apprehending a fleeing fugitive
4. Thwarting a Terrorist Attack
5. International Borders

Moreover, in certain highway-related situations, brief and non-intrusive suspicionless stops are allowed. Thus, officers at fixed checkpoints within one hundred miles of the international border can effect brief suspicionless detentions in order to stem the flow of illegal immigrants. United States v. Martinez-Fuerte, 428 U.S. 543 (1976). Similarly, officers can conduct brief non-intrusive suspicionless detentions as part of sobriety-related roadblocks. Michigan Dept. of State Police v. Sitz, 496 U.S. 444 (1990). Finally, the Court has indicated in dicta that roadblocks to verify drivers’ licenses and vehicle registrations are permissible provided that the police officer’s discretion is not “standardless and unconstrained.” Delaware v. Prouse, 440 U.S. 648, 661-663 (1979). But in none of the “special needs,” “administrative search,” or highway-related cases was the State primarily interested in general crime control. Moreover, in the highway-related cases, the suspicionless stops were directly related to issues of highway safety or policing the border. “We have never approved a checkpoint program whose primary purpose was to detect evidence of ordinary criminal wrongdoing.”

at100plus 01-05-2006 10:01 PM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30

Originally Posted by at100plus
That's true at midnight it probaby would be suspicious, but Lex said it was between 5 PM on the 31st and 12 PM on the 1st, so it could have been 10 in the morning. Holiday weekend, everyone knows no one will be a Pro Roc. There are alot of cops but they are focosed on other problems. Boat theft is not the first thing on their mind. Statistics show most stolen boat are under 18' unless near a drug trafficing city like Miami for example. Most likely this was the work of a professional ring that operates in various jurisdictions to avoid being placed in a local profile (based on method of operation) by local investigators. Marine theft is high profit nationwide but not common most individual cities.

And you're welcome for the Miami info.

Is this your boat or a customer's?

I do hope they find it and I'd love it if they could give the bad guys a good beating for stealing it, but those days are over too! :rolleyes:

jayboat 01-05-2006 11:23 PM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30

Originally Posted by Catagory5
Typical 250- 300hp outboard is between 400-500lbs. Cutting the cables and harnesses a few guys could have 2 gone in 10 minutes.

2 guys in the boat, wrenching/cutting while 2 others hook up to the hot truck and drive a mile or so- unhook and toss ob's in the back and be heading to the shipping container in less than 30 mins. 2 new motors + 50K truck= big payday.

Unless they had a sign saying "FREE RIDES TODAY" I certainly wouldn't be approaching several large *minority* individuals and asking if they owned the bad ass boat they were hooked up to, and acting like they owned... just sayin :D

EVILWAYS 01-05-2006 11:50 PM

Re: Stolen Spectre 30
You guys should just face it all ready that boat is gone!!!!!! Its been a week and nothing, the guys who took that boat knew what that were doing. Next time you should lock up your boats better. But good luck any way.

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