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supercrash 02-12-2002 05:16 PM

Dean..if we didn't build right on top of the manatees home there would never be a problem..That is a lesson that should have been learned by now..But hasn't :( ..That is why they would use the manatee to slow developement so as to not create even more problems...With the current manatee problem do you really think more developement is the answer to the problem???

CigDaze 02-12-2002 05:22 PM

...Manatee problem... :confused: :confused:

What Problem :D ;)

Shorgasm 02-12-2002 05:30 PM

Yes....please Crash.....where's the problem here???????

They are stronger than ever......They are safer than ever.....and it had NOTHING to do with powerboaters..... :p

The new problems the manatees are just proof they are not be harmed by US.....oh....I mean everybody exept the perfect Supertroll.....who for some reason thinks he can walk on water..... :rolleyes:

Pal you need a reality check and quickly!!!!!! :cool:

Shane 02-12-2002 05:41 PM

So let me get this straight. First Supercrash you say you are fighting to protect the Manatees, implying they are endangered. Then you go on to say that we are building on top of their home and that is the problem. Let me enlighten you to a little FACT! Manatees are NOT native to Florida or the USA! They have migrated here as have HUMANS! Clearly Dean and the others are looking out for both the Manatee and their own personal rights. Boaters and Manatees are not mutally exclusive and can co-exist. However, you and the STM club are goign after the WRONG CULPRIT! The power plants have CLEARLY altered the Manatees natural migration habits and are causing more of a problem than are recreational boaters. You are using jokes and puns like the bumper stickers and other quotes you referenced as serious. OBVIOUSLY these are light hearted in nature and were meant to lighten up a serious topic. You need to learn to seperate FACT from fiction. I suppose that you believe that there really was a VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY since that was on a bumper sticker too!

Dean Ferry 02-12-2002 05:43 PM

Too Old,
Trying my best. Are you going to race that Skater or What? Did you repower it?

[ 02-12-2002: Message edited by: Dean Ferry ]

LakeRacer 02-12-2002 05:43 PM

Check your email or email me direct

[email protected]

supercrash 02-12-2002 06:02 PM

Shane,remove foot from mouth..Fact and fiction???You are going to enlighten me???
The manatee has been in Florida for 45 Million years...Unless you were saving a spot for your boat back then I would shut up..

LakeRacer 02-12-2002 07:03 PM


45 million years does not guarantee rights. Especially when the manatee can't comprehend what rights are. Get over it with the rights issue. The manatee or any other animal does not have rights. Rights are a human invention because we have the brains to understand the concept. You are just trying to confer that upon animals and use it as reason to protect them.

Mankind is a part of mother nature and it looks like mother nature has selected the manatee for extinction. Ever since man has arrived on this planet we have been interacting and endangering other animals. Humans understand this. As I've said before, should we protect the manatee? YES. But at the expense of not being able to go boating on the waterways of Florida? NO! Don't tell me the manatee was there first. It doesn't matter - it's a non-issue. Mother nature doesn't care who was there first.

If the manatee has rights to the water then we have those same rights. I'm sorry if humans are too smart and we invented the boat and internal combustion engine to the detriment of the manatee. But with those same big brains we have we are trying to resolve that problem of human/manatee interaction. It's just that most of us on this board don't want an all nor nothing solution that benefits manatees only.

supercrash 02-12-2002 07:06 PM

Com on jumped on me!!..Can you handle the fact that you are totally wrong!!Now be a man and admit it ...before you take my advice to shut posted like you really belived that bull****..Next time do a search before shooting your mouth off..Thank you..

Laveyman 02-13-2002 01:14 AM

To the top to foil Puder!!! :D

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