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ICDEDPPL 07-27-2023 01:41 PM

All these trips are organized and bussed in .
Word on the street is that there is only a few families that run/own a majority of the island, they pushed someone out of that group and the revenge was putting groups of the Detroit Ghetto together for trips knowing they will act like they do. Have no idea if there`s any truth to that but if so that is some good revenge lol

Tropical Buzz 07-27-2023 02:33 PM

Serves y'all right, lol! Suck it up and enjoy! Try making some omelettes (or maybe quiche?) with the eggs you nice, good, god-fearing christian folks have been laying for the last few generations. Even if all of these black folks were calm, peaceful and just trying to have a nice time, you still wouldn't want them around messing up your lily white neighbourhoods. Why can they have BCR and we can't have WTCR?? - because, idiot, you ALWAYS had WTCR you just never needed to call it that. Black people have been historically excluded or made to clearly know they were unwelcome at these venues, clubs, organisations, festivals and events; so they had to form their own and now everyone is b--chin' and whining about it. Yeah, yeah - slavery was abolished way back on Dec 18, 1865 so what are they still complaining about? Why can't they behave like "normal" American citizens? Why is there so much welfare dependency and crime? Why why why??? Because, a--holes, "they" have only relatively recently (generationally speaking) been allowed the god-given (roll eyes) constitutional and human rights that y'all good christian folk spend so much time crowing and bleating about.

It wasn't so long ago that young Cassius Clay came home feeling like an American hero after battling his way to an olympic gold medal for his country only to find that back home and proudly wearing his medal he wasn't even allowed to enter a restaurant to celebrate with a steak dinner. And y'all f--king wonder why he rightfully and heroically refused to fight for America in Vietnam?? His story is just one and he was a celebrated Olympic hero at the time. Try for once to imagine what the average black family had to endure. No matter how virtuous and dedicated and hard working you were, doors constantly slammed in your face, forced to accept sub-standard schooling for their kids and victimized atrociously by the very system of law and order that you all are bawling and crying about right now. How many little black kids are all grown up now but remember sitting in the back seat and watching their dads choke back rage with tears rolling down their cheeks after being called "boy" and shooed away from gas stations and motels while trying to enjoy the "great America" and apple pie blah blah blah that you all took for granted. What do you imagine that does to a person? What do you think it did to an entire generation?

That ingrained denial of basic rights, lack of acceptance as a normal citizens, denial of economic opportunity and the rewards for being good, honest and hard working has created a separate sub-culture with a totally different perspective on what it means to be an American. Dark skin bothered your eyes so you wanted to keep them down and separated and away from all the nice golf courses and restaurants and neighbourhoods but they didn't disappear. You ended up with what you wanted; a segregated society with whites on one side and blacks on the other. Problem now is y'all never realized both sides have to exist in the same space. So go ahead with all the canned responses and the usual tropes and lines. Your asses are the ones munching on the grass you planted. Bon appetit mo' fo's :hitfan:

Indy 07-27-2023 03:03 PM

What's BCR and WTCR?

Brad Christy 07-27-2023 03:25 PM

Originally Posted by Tropical Buzz (Post 4874761)
Serves y'all right, lol! Suck it up and enjoy! Try making some omelettes (or maybe quiche?) with the eggs you nice, good, god-fearing christian folks have been laying for the last few generations. Even if all of these black folks were calm, peaceful and just trying to have a nice time, you still wouldn't want them around messing up your lily white neighbourhoods. Why can they have BCR and we can't have WTCR?? - because, idiot, you ALWAYS had WTCR you just never needed to call it that. Black people have been historically excluded or made to clearly know they were unwelcome at these venues, clubs, organisations, festivals and events; so they had to form their own and now everyone is b--chin' and whining about it. Yeah, yeah - slavery was abolished way back on Dec 18, 1865 so what are they still complaining about? Why can't they behave like "normal" American citizens? Why is there so much welfare dependency and crime? Why why why??? Because, a--holes, "they" have only relatively recently (generationally speaking) been allowed the god-given (roll eyes) constitutional and human rights that y'all good christian folk spend so much time crowing and bleating about.

It wasn't so long ago that young Cassius Clay came home feeling like an American hero after battling his way to an olympic gold medal for his country only to find that back home and proudly wearing his medal he wasn't even allowed to enter a restaurant to celebrate with a steak dinner. And y'all f--king wonder why he rightfully and heroically refused to fight for America in Vietnam?? His story is just one and he was a celebrated Olympic hero at the time. Try for once to imagine what the average black family had to endure. No matter how virtuous and dedicated and hard working you were, doors constantly slammed in your face, forced to accept sub-standard schooling for their kids and victimized atrociously by the very system of law and order that you all are bawling and crying about right now. How many little black kids are all grown up now but remember sitting in the back seat and watching their dads choke back rage with tears rolling down their cheeks after being called "boy" and shooed away from gas stations and motels while trying to enjoy the "great America" and apple pie blah blah blah that you all took for granted. What do you imagine that does to a person? What do you think it did to an entire generation?

That ingrained denial of basic rights, lack of acceptance as a normal citizens, denial of economic opportunity and the rewards for being good, honest and hard working has created a separate sub-culture with a totally different perspective on what it means to be an American. Dark skin bothered your eyes so you wanted to keep them down and separated and away from all the nice golf courses and restaurants and neighbourhoods but they didn't disappear. You ended up with what you wanted; a segregated society with whites on one side and blacks on the other. Problem now is y'all never realized both sides have to exist in the same space. So go ahead with all the canned responses and the usual tropes and lines. Your asses are the ones munching on the grass you planted. Bon appetit mo' fo's :hitfan:


Nobody gives a crap about skin color. It's the behavior we have a problem with.

For whatever reason, there aren't many black people in the boating lifestyle. But, you know what happens when a black family rolls into a cove full of boaters? The bumpers come out. The ropes come out. And we tie up the same as with anybody else.

Just. Stop.

Thanks. Brad.

Eddienel 07-27-2023 03:37 PM

Originally Posted by Tropical Buzz (Post 4874761)
Serves y'all right, lol! Suck it up and enjoy! Try making some omelettes (or maybe quiche?) with the eggs you nice, good, god-fearing christian folks have been laying for the last few generations. Even if all of these black folks were calm, peaceful and just trying to have a nice time, you still wouldn't want them around messing up your lily white neighbourhoods. Why can they have BCR and we can't have WTCR?? - because, idiot, you ALWAYS had WTCR you just never needed to call it that. Black people have been historically excluded or made to clearly know they were unwelcome at these venues, clubs, organisations, festivals and events; so they had to form their own and now everyone is b--chin' and whining about it. Yeah, yeah - slavery was abolished way back on Dec 18, 1865 so what are they still complaining about? Why can't they behave like "normal" American citizens? Why is there so much welfare dependency and crime? Why why why??? Because, a--holes, "they" have only relatively recently (generationally speaking) been allowed the god-given (roll eyes) constitutional and human rights that y'all good christian folk spend so much time crowing and bleating about.

It wasn't so long ago that young Cassius Clay came home feeling like an American hero after battling his way to an olympic gold medal for his country only to find that back home and proudly wearing his medal he wasn't even allowed to enter a restaurant to celebrate with a steak dinner. And y'all f--king wonder why he rightfully and heroically refused to fight for America in Vietnam?? His story is just one and he was a celebrated Olympic hero at the time. Try for once to imagine what the average black family had to endure. No matter how virtuous and dedicated and hard working you were, doors constantly slammed in your face, forced to accept sub-standard schooling for their kids and victimized atrociously by the very system of law and order that you all are bawling and crying about right now. How many little black kids are all grown up now but remember sitting in the back seat and watching their dads choke back rage with tears rolling down their cheeks after being called "boy" and shooed away from gas stations and motels while trying to enjoy the "great America" and apple pie blah blah blah that you all took for granted. What do you imagine that does to a person? What do you think it did to an entire generation?

That ingrained denial of basic rights, lack of acceptance as a normal citizens, denial of economic opportunity and the rewards for being good, honest and hard working has created a separate sub-culture with a totally different perspective on what it means to be an American. Dark skin bothered your eyes so you wanted to keep them down and separated and away from all the nice golf courses and restaurants and neighbourhoods but they didn't disappear. You ended up with what you wanted; a segregated society with whites on one side and blacks on the other. Problem now is y'all never realized both sides have to exist in the same space. So go ahead with all the canned responses and the usual tropes and lines. Your asses are the ones munching on the grass you planted. Bon appetit mo' fo's :hitfan:

Oh cry me a river. What a joke. News flash. Blacks hate blacks more than anyone. They can’t kill each other fast enough and you think we want to hang out with them?lol. I grew up in the ghettos and went to all black schools. They are not racist they are bigots(look up the difference). The white kids were attacked every day at school. Even the loser black bums would curse us and throw beer and cigarettes on us if we got too close to the barbed wire fence. All you’re doing is making excuses for your animalistic behavior. Stop making excuses.

Tropical Buzz 07-27-2023 03:56 PM

Originally Posted by Eddienel (Post 4874770)
Oh cry me a river. What a joke. News flash. Blacks hate blacks more than anyone. They can’t kill each other fast enough and you think we want to hang out with them?lol. I grew up in the ghettos and went to all black schools. They are not racist they are bigots(look up the difference). The white kids were attacked every day at school. Even the loser black bums would curse us and throw beer and cigarettes on us if we got too close to the barbed wire fence. All you’re doing is making excuses for your animalistic behavior. Stop making excuses.

lol! News flash - I'm not crying - I'm laughing. My animalistic behavior? I'm fortunate enough not to have grown up as a second class citizen in America. I grew up in the 60's and given the way things were in the US in those days, you'd probably be spot on correct. Though I consider myself to be a fairly comfortable and happy person, under those conditions, I probably would have become a bit of an animal - and a damn bad one at that, lol! So the angry black kids cursed you and threw cigarette butts at you? Poor fella - I really do feel sorry for you, but at least be thankful you weren't mutilated and lynched at a church picnic for being a mischievous kid and whistling at a white woman or set upon by police dogs for wandering into the wrong area. Poor lil' fella though - you really had it rough. Want a hug? Boo hoo hoo

Eddienel 07-27-2023 04:06 PM

Originally Posted by Tropical Buzz (Post 4874773)
lol! News flash - I'm not crying - I'm laughing. My animalistic behavior? I'm fortunate enough not to have grown up as a second class citizen in America. I grew up in the 60's and given the way things were in the US in those days, you'd probably be spot on correct. Though I consider myself to be a fairly comfortable and happy person, under those conditions, I probably would have become a bit of an animal - and a damn bad one at that, lol! So the angry black kids cursed you and threw cigarette butts at you? Poor fella - I really do feel sorry for you, but at least be thankful you weren't mutilated and lynched at a church picnic for being a mischievous kid and whistling at a white woman or set upon by police dogs for wandering into the wrong area. Poor lil' fella though - you really had it rough. Want a hug? Boo hoo hoo

So you’re saying I should pay for something I didn’t do to someone I don’t know? That we all should pay for something we didn’t do to someone 100 years ago? Im sorry. I don’t see what any of that has to do with me or my family or friends. Maybe those people should be more appreciative that people aren’t doing that anymore in the US. My adopted niece from Ethiopia had her mother kidnapped and murdered and her fathers arm chopped off by gorilla fighters (also known as slave traders). This happed 20 years ago. My aunt and uncle did mission work in Ethiopia and adopted her. She is black and hates most American blacks. Why you ask? Because she knows the truth and appreciates the gift of living in the United States. She is now a beautiful productive young woman with 2 beautiful children but i promise you she will never forget…

Tropical Buzz 07-27-2023 04:58 PM

Originally Posted by Eddienel (Post 4874774)
So you’re saying I should pay for something I didn’t do to someone I don’t know? That we all should pay for something we didn’t do to someone 100 years ago? Im sorry. I don’t see what any of that has to do with me or my family or friends. Maybe those people should be more appreciative that people aren’t doing that anymore in the US. My adopted niece from Ethiopia had her mother kidnapped and murdered and her fathers arm chopped off by gorilla fighters (also known as slave traders). This happed 20 years ago. My aunt and uncle did mission work in Ethiopia and adopted her. She is black and hates most American blacks. Why you ask? Because she knows the truth and appreciates the gift of living in the United States. She is now a beautiful productive young woman with 2 beautiful children but i promise you she will never forget…

I never said anything about reparations. Nor did I say that any single decent, honest white person in the US should be held accountable for the sins of your ancestors. You have to however acknowledge that a large percentage of the wealth and prosperity of the nation that you benefit from came from the labor of slaves who - even after being freed - were denied those same benefits until very recently, setting entire generations of American citizens several steps behind with only a few heavily criticized and poorly executed "affirmative action" programs to help them catch up. All I suggest is that people on both sides exercise a bit of empathy and historical introspection before having a typical knee jerk reaction to the current state of affairs and attributing everything a person does to the color of their skin. History and context are far more important in determining what kind of human beings a given society will produce. And - you have no way of knowing this - but I get into similar arguments with black people who make similar blanket judgements about white people and the motives behind their behaviors and actions. For the record, I'm strongly in favor of mutual respect and law and order. I don't support anti-social behavior and lawlessness and I am a shooting enthusiast and CCW holder (threw that last one in just to mess with your stereotypes, lol!) I understand why American whites are fed up with the race-blame thing but American whites also need to understand why American black culture has evolved the way it has. It's a two way street and sadly it isn't going to change anytime soon.

BTW - your beautiful productive black adopted niece can afford to appreciate the gift of living in the United States because she got to live in a different United States than the one all those Black Americans she hates were forced to grow up in. If she was a black kid in the US in 1961, how different do you think her perspective would be? What truth does she know - black people are evil and in your words "animalistic"? So what is she white now? And so you promise me she will never forget... yet the "other" black folks have to forget all the generations of atrocities and abuse that they endured...? Not gonna happen.

Eddienel 07-27-2023 07:37 PM

Originally Posted by Tropical Buzz (Post 4874779)
I never said anything about reparations. Nor did I say that any single decent, honest white person in the US should be held accountable for the sins of your ancestors. You have to however acknowledge that a large percentage of the wealth and prosperity of the nation that you benefit from came from the labor of slaves who - even after being freed - were denied those same benefits until very recently, setting entire generations of American citizens several steps behind with only a few heavily criticized and poorly executed "affirmative action" programs to help them catch up. All I suggest is that people on both sides exercise a bit of empathy and historical introspection before having a typical knee jerk reaction to the current state of affairs and attributing everything a person does to the color of their skin. History and context are far more important in determining what kind of human beings a given society will produce. And - you have no way of knowing this - but I get into similar arguments with black people who make similar blanket judgements about white people and the motives behind their behaviors and actions. For the record, I'm strongly in favor of mutual respect and law and order. I don't support anti-social behavior and lawlessness and I am a shooting enthusiast and CCW holder (threw that last one in just to mess with your stereotypes, lol!) I understand why American whites are fed up with the race-blame thing but American whites also need to understand why American black culture has evolved the way it has. It's a two way street and sadly it isn't going to change anytime soon.

BTW - your beautiful productive black adopted niece can afford to appreciate the gift of living in the United States because she got to live in a different United States than the one all those Black Americans she hates were forced to grow up in. If she was a black kid in the US in 1961, how different do you think her perspective would be? What truth does she know - black people are evil and in your words "animalistic"? So what is she white now? And so you promise me she will never forget... yet the "other" black folks have to forget all the generations of atrocities and abuse that they endured...? Not gonna happen.

Of course not. You’re not going to forget because it’s a crutch. An excuse to behave the way you do. I hate to brake this to you but we don’t all get to live in the big house. Every race of human being was a slave at some point and let’s not even go to how my Jewish brothers and sisters were treated. For some reason they are strong people that were able to rise up and grow and move on. Let’s look at Tokyo after the wwII. They built it back even better and moved on. Let’s look at Detroit. Ok let’s not. Yes I know. It’s my fault it looks the way that it does. The whole continent of Africa they do not produce or manufacture anything. The only manufacturing that takes places comes from other countries setting up factories there. The word slave comes from the word Slav. Slavs or Slavic people are white. Slavery my friend is alive and well and isn’t going anywhere. It was around before Jesus and isn’t going anywhere. When Jesus was on earth he healed the sick. He didn’t free slaves. Just saying…

ICDEDPPL 07-27-2023 08:18 PM

America voted for a black President ... TWICE! and here you are pulling the race and victim card.
Nobody gives a $hit these days about your skin color but you will be judged on your behavior.
Black men are 6% on the population but cause 51% of the crimes.Why is that ?
Ever been in a nice safe black neighborhood, me neither, why is that ?
Black kids that do good in school are called uncle toms, family structure is gone but it`s all our fault, or 200 years ago some was a slave ? these excuses don`t hold water .
As an imigrant we came here with nothing and didn`t speak the language, worked our asses off to get to where we are but I digress , Ill just go back to working my ass off daily so that the government can redistribute my tax dollars to people that dont wanna work.. Gotta love that white priveledge

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